Welcome to Virtual Travel Japan.
Today, we are pleased to present the virtual travel of the men’s track and field marathon venue held in Sapporo for the Tokyo Olympics 2020.
The course starts and finishes at Odori Park. It consists of one large loop, which is approximately the length of a half marathon, and two small loops, which are approximately 10km long. Kenya, the Netherlands and Belgium won gold, silver and bronze medals. Japanese Suguru Osako was in the 6th place and Shogo Nakamura was in the 62nd place. However, I am deeply moved by the efforts of all the runners who have been practicing hard for this day and their feelings for their hometown.
Please enjoy virtual travel with the atmosphere of the actual Olympic game which is different from TV broadcast.
今日は、札幌で開催された東京オリンピック2020、陸上男子マラソン会場のヴァーチャルトラベルをお届けします。コースは、大通公園をスタート・フィニッシュとして、おおよそハーフマラソンの長さに匹敵する大きいループ1周と、約10kmの小さいループ2周で構成されますケニア、オランダ、ベルギーが金銀銅メダルを獲得。日本は大迫すぐる選手が6位、中村 匠吾選手が62位といった結果でしたが、どの選手も今日のこの日に向けて頑張って練習してきた努力、故郷への思いを背負った姿はとても感慨深いものでした。