龍神 NIPPON 東京2020オリンピックスリワインド

龍神 NIPPON 東京2020オリンピックスリワインド
Ryujin Nippon Tokyo 2020 Olympics Rewind


東京 Olympics 2020, the event where I met 龍神 NIPPON. Many memories were made as I watch their matches, and created a new path of my life that I never expected. So as a tribute, I made a video for them!


Olympic videos are all from the Olympic website.
Some pictures that I put from the lineup were found at @/volleyballworld ‘s social media accounts and the players’ accounts.


Reposting this video is PROHIBITED in any platforms of Social Media and DO NOT remove the watermark I put in and after the video.

People that violated these rules are going to be reported and blocked. I don’t care what you say I spent 5 days and 4 sleepless nights on making this.


Intro: 龍神 NIPPON in slow motion and not showing their faces

This part shows your perspective on how you don’t know them yet, but they’re about to get your attention and make you support the team!

1st Verse: 龍神 NIPPON’s Training

Before a match, of course there’s always training! Training is the thing that makes you stronger and more ready for your match. Since they’re going to play in the Olympics, they’ll train hard to have the best plays in the Olympics!

1st chorus: 龍神 NIPPON vs the World

The Japan’s Men’s Volleyball Team once again showed the world that they can fight, win, and make– not only their country, but the world proud of them!

Bridge: 龍神 NIPPON’s lose

Not everything can go according to your will. In games, there’s always two sides of it: The Winners and Losers. Yes, you can cry about it but remember to come back stronger when you play again!

Bridge: 龍神 NIPPON World Cup 2019 flashbacks

They’ve come so far to reach at that point. Showing the World Cup 2019 means that they improved and became stronger as time goes on.

2nd Chorus: 龍神 NIPPON celebrating

Every point and win matters, so you have to celebrate! These moments are worth cheering for because all of your hardwork pays on it!

Outro: 龍神 NIPPON Tokyo Olympics 2020 Lineup

Volleyball is not played by a single person, but it is played by a team! And every team has a unique lineup that made them strong!


Music in this video:
「ワタリドリ」 by – Alexandros

Twitter: https://twitter.com/HqSonyeondan?t=rj6bto81VKwIRVaJdrRppw&s=07
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hqsonyeondan/?utm_medium=copy_link


